The pain will pass!

Until my last two posts, I recently realized that I had not posted any article on this blog for over two years! This was caused by several reasons. Firstly, I lost control and access to this blog for a while, thankfully that has been resolved, secondly, I was busy with the exigencies of life.
Despondency, disenchantment and disillusionment are pervasive in our world today. For a lot of people, all hope has been lost over their relationships, spouses, careers, finances, children, etc. This is responsible for the high rate of suicide. However, I bring you a word of encouragement today. The truth is that most unpleasant situations do not last forever. When they seem to persist, we often have what it takes to endure for the period required. Time heals a lot of pain; I can testify to this.
I usually prefer to keep my family very private but I have a feeling what I am about to say will inspire and encourage at least one person, if it does inspire and encourage one person, it will be worth it. My wife and I got married in 2013, my wife didn’t get pregnant for over a year afterwards. Due to our African roots, our (eventual) desire to have children, the situation became a cause for concern months after our wedding ceremony. Thankfully she got pregnant in June 2014, we were delighted and our joy knew no bounds. We were glad and I looked forward to being a Daddy with excitement. By our calculation, her expected delivery date was to be around my birthday in March, the following year. I thought of the possibility of our baby being born on my birthday, if he was a boy, we’ll be ‘twinning’ and best friends! The anticipation was much, almost overwhelming. In September of the same year, my wife went for a check-up and scan where we realized that the baby had died while she still carried it. I recall that day, it was a very sad day.
I clearly recall receiving her phone call while I was at work, her sobs and tears were infectious. The visit to the hospital to evacuate what remained of the child; was all pure torture for us. In the midst of it all, I had to be strong to encourage my wife. I also recall the encouraging words and visit of our Pastors Yemi and Olaitan Aromolaran and my mother-in-law, Mrs. Famakinwa (who was in service as a medical personnel at the time). The doctor who assessed my wife and broke this unpleasant news stated that there was no apparent reason why the baby died; that miscarriages and loss of pregnancy are ways by which God prevents some deformed children from coming into the world. Till date I’m not sure if that statement was encouraging or annoying.  
In January 2015, my wife got pregnant again and gave birth to a lovely baby girl in October the same year. We named her Oluwatobi Opemipo Ladeloye. I remember with joy the day she was born and the first time the doctor handed her over to me; it was indescribably blissful! We celebrated her second birthday about a month ago, to God be the glory. Yes, I’m a doting father if you’ve ever wondered!
I rarely recall the experience of that loss, and when I do, it does not hurt anymore. Why? God has given us a child afterwards! A moment of joy and fulfillment can take away years of pain. I am aware that some of us reading this article have suffered more harrowing experiences compared to mine, I pray that God will comfort you. I pray that sorrow, weeping and tragedy will not befall us or our homes anymore, I also pray for restoration for you in Jesus’ name.
The message in this post is simple, it is that tough and painful times are ephemeral; they will pass. You may be a student struggling through school due to paucity of funds, I assure you that won’t struggle forever, you will overcome and have abundance; above and beyond all your needs. If there is anyone waiting on God to have their own children, the first thing you must realize is that you are capable of having your own children, you are neither barren nor infertile. Many testimonies abound of couples who have waited for some time and they have their own children today. God will come through for you. It may be your desire for a spouse, job or anything else, believe and you will receive it.
Sometimes hard and painful experiences come to test us, build our character and direct us to God for strength and support in trying moments. Often, trials arise for no fault of ours, at other times they come as a consequence of our indiscretions and irresponsibility. For whatever reason they come your way, you will overcome and you won’t feel the pain anymore. If you’re passing through a tough time today; be encouraged and be assured that it won’t last for too long. Keep a positive disposition with gratitude to God for the other things that you have working well for you. In Psalm 30: 5 the bible says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Your season of joy is here, enter into it! Your joy will be full in Jesus’ name, amen.

If you would like to receive Jesus into your life, please say this prayer with me,” Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, that Jesus died for me. Father please forgive me, I accept Jesus into my heart today; as my Lord and Savior.” Amen.


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