Cast it down!

Nobody was created empty by God. Irrespective of faith and creed or the lack of it, God has deposited amazing abilities in everyone that if well harnessed can lead the beneficiary to fame and fortune.  
The best way to optimize our potentials is to place them before God, by utilizing them for the benefit of other people. This principle cuts across physical and spiritual spheres.

In Exodus 4:2-5, Moses cast his rod before the Lord. Before this incident, the rod was simply a mark of honour with which he took walks. However, after the encounter, the same rod parted the Red Sea, was used to afflicted Egypt with plagues, brought out water from a rock, etc.
Three wonderful possibilities of laying down our abilities before the Lord are:
·         He will allow us to continue to possess the gift, talent or instrument as He did with Moses who continued to handle his rod despite being used for amazing exploits.
·         He will multiply what we have in our possession and increase it in quality and quantity. In John 9: 5- 14 a young boy gave up his lunch of 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread to Jesus, with it over 5,000 people were fed and 12 basketfuls were gathered after everyone had their fill.
·         God makes them more beautiful and fruitful. In Numbers 17: 1- 10, Aaron submitted his rod before God and it blossomed, budded and yielded almonds overnight!

Another great biblical example is in 1 Kings 17: 7-16, where the Widow of Zarephath gave Prophet Elijah her last meal, and got sustenance throughout the famine. Jesus gave his life and became humanity’s most prominent figure. Isaac Newton gave his abilities as a mathematician, theologian, physicist, and astronomer, he eventually propounded the laws of motion, redefined gravity and achieved many more scientific feats. We lose out and short-change ourselves when we refuse to give our strengths, talents and possessions to God for use and the benefit of humanity. The giving process may be unpleasant, but will be worth it at the end of the day. Do not leave your talents latent. What has God given to you? Do not say nothing, because there is always something, at least one thing! Give it back to Him and help other people with it. Your ability may be your caring disposition, your beautiful eyes, gait, artistic prowess, writing ability, political acumen, persuasive nature, etc. Ensure you assist as many people as possible with these gifts, with or without monetary rewards. Whatever you give you may leave your hands, but it won’t leave your life. It will surely return to you at some point in some way.



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