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See what is yours!

Sometimes the things we want, need and pray for have already been given to us, but we do not know this. In the exodus to the Promised Land, God had delivered the city of Jericho to the children of Israel, however they were oblivious of this fact.  He re-emphasized it to them out of love and magnanimity. Joshua 6:2 says: And the Lord said unto Joshua, See , I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the King thereof, and the mighty men of valour . Our ignorance to the things, assets and opportunities God has already given us calls for concern.  Is this your situation today? Are you yearning for something that God has  already given to you? For some seeking spouses, your life partner may someone you already know but do not currently see in that light. Many are unemployed and underemployed but the talents and skills that will bring them fame and fortune are already within them, some of these abilities are being treated as hobbies instead of businesses. In many instances, what you r

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