Child-like Faith

Child-like Faith
Children are amazing! We all know how they behave because we have once been in their shoes and we have them all around us. Have you ever spent time with children or heard them talk about God? There is something wonderful about childlike faith that we can learn from. It is a simple and uncontaminated faith. However we seem to lose that simplicity over time. No matter how old an individual becomes, he will always be a child to his parents. Jesus admonishes that we must take the kingdom of heaven as children if we are interested in entering into it. What really did He mean by this? Mark 10:15; ‘Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.’ Whenever Jesus said verily twice, He was being assertive and saying something very important. ‘As a little child’ means laying aside all pride and approaching the kingdom with humility and simplicity. Ask yourself if your faith is as when you first began, or have you lost the zeal and innocence you once had as a young believer? We sometimes make believing in God so complicated, however simplicity is important in faith. If children find that an easy concept, why can’t we?
-Being a child is a reputation and a basis for blessing and reward. According to John 1:12, we are children and heirs of God, our imperfections notwithstanding. If you tell your child to wash your car and he doesn’t, he remains your child, but if you tell your servant to wash your car and he does, he doesn’t become your child and you won’t bestow your estate to him for this singular act!  A young child doesn’t bother about how his parents provide for him; he trusts that they always will. Parents also seek to give their children the best of everything, how much more our Heavenly Father.
-Children are teachable and obedient. I knew a little girl called Miriam, whose Dad once took her to see her Aunty (her Mum’s elder Sister). On arrival, Miriam’s Aunty offered her food and drinks, she declined. After much pressure, the Aunty asked Miriam why she refused refreshment and she answered, “my daddy said I shouldn’t eat anything from you because you’re a witch!” What surprise and embarrassment! Of course the poor man frantically tried to deny the claim, but the harm had been done, if you were in the Aunty’s shoes, who will you believe; father or child?! Your guess is as good as mine. Pretty much all the honest truth telling there is in the world is done by children”.-Oliver Wendell Holmes. Child soldiers in countries ravaged by war obey orders of their commanders, often dying or getting maimed because of their unwavering loyalty. Children are extremely loyal to parents, guardians, teachers, e.t.c. The mind of a child is like a plain white piece of paper, you can write whatever you want on it, whether good or bad. So must our minds be with God, ever willing to learn from Him and obey Him. Young children can learn several languages. They are inquisitive, always wanting to learn. There are no questions children cannot ask. A young boy once asked his father if worms yawn! An adult soon realises how little he knows when children begin to ask questions. Do you go to God to ask questions about life when you are confused? When unpleasant situations arise, what is your first line of defence? A child will naturally run to his father for protection and support when in distress. Sometimes we seem not to be interested in understanding God, when in fact our success and fulfilment lie in seeking to know Him better; Matt. 6:33. I believe that it is for this reason that God sometimes leaves the adults to talk to children. Like little Samuel, we must say speak Lord! The truth is that if we will get the best of God, we must obey him blindly like little children. Moses was one of the greatest prophets in the bible; the key to his success was obedience. When God told him to stretch forth his rod, He didn’t tell God to build a bridge across the Red Sea like some of us with our educated minds would have said. Heb. 12:5-8. Like fresh fish, children can easily be bent in their formative stages and like them we need to constantly learn, unlearn and relearn if we must enter heaven.
- Children love unconditionally. I recall that I spanked my niece some years ago because she did something really wrong. Shortly afterwards, I grew remorseful and while I thought of how to appease her and warm my way back to her heart, she came back to me, sat on my laps and played with me like nothing had happened! Children do not keep a record of wrongs or bear grudges. They love everyone unconditionally. They love their teachers, guardians, friends and even strangers. Children love other children of different social standing, when they begin to discriminate against other children, it is evident their parents have polluted their minds.
-Children are born innocent and dependant. 1st Cor 13:4, Rom. 15:5, Matt. 18:32-35. Little children depend on their parent’s wisdom and care, they go where they are sent, and take what is provided for them. Like them, we must submit ourselves to Jesus and depend on His righteousness, love and provision. If a child has to choose between an ice cream cone and fruits/vegetables, he’ll likely choose ice cream. However, a good mother will feed her children with more fruits than ice cream. We must trust God’s love for us even in life’s trials and hardship. He wants the best for us as His children. God is not limited in time and space, so He sees and knows things that we have no idea of. God knows if your fiancĂ© that appears so nice now will consistently beat the living day light out of you in the nearest future. He knows the implication of every step we take or refuse to take. So He leads us based on His limitless wisdom, while we usually cannot see beyond our noses. He knows the future trend of your career, world economy and so on. With God’s direction, you cannot go wrong.

-They have faith in people and in the future. Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to. Isaac surrendered himself to his father’s knife when God told Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice. An adult will have attacked Abraham first, realising long before their arrival at the venue of the sacrifice what Abraham’s plans were! Children believe promises without much question. You can promise to give a child a ship or an airplane, he’ll believe you. We should believe God like that and always be willing to trust Him. If our prayers will be answered, we must trust Him. It takes faith to enter the kingdom of God. John 14:1-3, Heb. 11:6. Children learn and learners must believe! You need to realise that the most important part of our education is nursery and primary education and it is not a coincidence that we go through this stage while we are relatively young.

The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God; Pastor E.A. Adeboye despite his age and spiritual maturity calls God his Daddy. This is the kind of relationship we all should have with God. This position is correct because we are first His children before we are Pastors, prayer warriors or anything else. When we approach God’s kingdom as children, we can be sure we will enter into it, the challenges and obstacles notwithstanding. Jesus said He has prepared a place for you in His Father’s house, do you believe that like a child would?!
Best regards.


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