
These are trying times for our Nation, because we are confronted with many challenges ranging from; insecurity (Boko haram and other insurgent groups), economic recession (suffering in the midst of plenty), infrastructural decay, food insecurity, youth unemployment and corruption just to mention a few. I believe the positive change we desire rests in the hands of the Christians. I recommend that we rise up to proffer solutions to these problems in ways which include, but are not limited to the following:
Prayer: Daniel rose up to intercede when his Nation faced trials. Men like John Knox who was a Scottish Christian won wars on their knees. Mary, Queen of Scots said “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe “. Many of the problems that bedevil our Nation have a spiritual source. Hence some of the solutions to these problems are spiritual; therefore prayer plays an essential role in solving them. Prayer can prevent and reverse evil government laws and policies. Prayers push evil, irresponsible and clueless political leaders out of office. In other words, prayer transforms the political, financial and economic state of nations. Little wonder 2nd Chron. 7:14 says “if my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves and PRAY, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  Prayer brings down the hand of God; it causes God to interfere in the affairs of men.
Collectively seeking God:  Anyone who seeks God will find him. 2nd Chron. 7:14 says “if my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and SEEK MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” King Uzziah was a man who sought God and by consequence became a great reformer of his country 2nd Kings 26:1-15. His achievements range from extending the frontiers of military technology & conquests, advancements in agriculture, infrastructural development, e.t.c. The main secret of his success is in the fact that he sought God. Vs 5b say “and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. So simple, yet so profound. Please also read vs 15.
One with God is a majority, many with God is a vast and powerful majority. We will achieve much with God and little or nothing without Him. I believe neglecting God is major cause of national tragedy. Ps. 9:17 says all the Nations that forget God shall be turned into hell. The prevalence of sin is an indication that a Nation has forgotten God, same is the adoption of morally bankrupt laws. We must return to God for our land to be healed. See Deut. 28. Political office holders must be prevailed upon to rule in the fear of God. 2nd Sam.23:3b. George Washington  said Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. -Pat Robertson. The USA is such a great country today because once upon a time devout christians were in control of the affairs of the Nation. They were members of the senate; they abolished slave trade, prayed and waited upon God for His promise on the transformation of their Nation. The rest as they say is history.
Diligence: Daniel was so diligent in the conduct of his business that the bible said his detractors could not find fault in the discharge of his official duties; Dan.6:4. Our friends easily see our faults since we are imperfect. It takes an exceptional degree of diligence and commitment to work for enemies (especially those who are in the same line of work with us) to be unable to find any fault with an individual’s work. Nations such as India, Malaysia and China have been remarkably transformed within relatively short periods of time. This was achieved by hardwork, discipline and diligence, and not just prayers. Christians must work hard, rise to the peak of their calling and careers, and then use this influence to transform the societies in which they live. Most societies are controlled by a few influential people who often are also leaders of thought and captains of industry. 
Believers must be rightly positioned among these individuals and use their talents and endowments appropriately. David was available at a time when Goliath had become a nuisance to Israel. Joseph was an avid administrator who took care of his brothers, took charge of Potiphar’s house, co-ordinated fellow prisoners, became the Prime Minister of Egypt and saved his Nation by his diligence and foresight. Esther used her influence to deliver Israel. Moses confronted Pharaoh and kick-started the exodus, the list is endless. Everyone is gifted in one way or another. It is surprising that we have so many Christians in our nation today and in the world at large, yet the level of societal influence and transformation exerted by them is less than that which is desired. Christians should be actively involved in politics and governance. We have examples in men like Daniel, Moses, Joseph, Mordecai.  Politics can’t be left for the rogues, and charlatans. We often pray for political office holders who are very evil people. Sometimes, I wonder how effective our prayers are for people who plunder our collective fortune! God will not do for us what we can do ourselves.
Integrity: I will define integrity as doing the right thing when you really don’t have to!  Integrity lends further credence to the faith of a Christian. Unbelievers are more likely to believe your faith and compliment your efforts for change if they believe in your person. Individuals have been recommended to serve in government on the basis of their integrity. Dr. Dora Akunyili is said to have been appointed as the Head of NAFDAC on the basis of her integrity in returning unspent funds to the government. I know of another man who was said to have been recommended for the position of the Chairman of an anti-graft commission by the same individuals from whom he refused bribes! By integrity, Daniel converted an entire pagan nation. Dan. 6:26-27. 
Another vital part to integrity is standing up against evil. This is a major problem I believe Nigerians have. From the clergy, to leaders of thought and the common man, Nigerians stand aloof and condone wrong doing. Little wonder they have been coined people ‘suffering and smiling’. Jesus (our role model) often stood up against wrong doing and injustice. He overturned the tables of the money changers, dove sellers and businessmen in temple and whipped them out. “I've always privately suspected that Jesus is in favour of revolutionaries, seeing as how he was a bit of one himself.” - G.N. ChevalierUnfortunately the same scenario plays out today and the reaction of the clergy is different from Jesus’. The businessmen steal and bring the proceeds to the church. The church has been commercialised, and the anointing is now for sale in certain ministries. Jesus confronted and condemned the wrong doing of political office holders in his days. He called Herod a fox (Luke 13:31-32), criticised the Pharisees and Sadducees for their hypocrisy before a crowd! Matt.23:1-32(Please read). Nathan confronted David for his wrongdoing. Elijah criticised Ahab openly, calling him the troubler of Israel. We hardly see the same scenario re enacted in contemporary society. This ungodly silence may be connected with fear, borne out of compromise on the part of the Christians, and a dearth of integrity. The righteous should always be bold; (Prov. 28:1) God has not given us a spirit of fear, 2nd Tim. 1:7. Launching a turnaround takes courage.  We must boldly confront policies inimical to our own values. “We've got to make change our national pastime and hold protests more regularly than weekend parties.” - Rivera Sun. According to Hosea 4:1, truth and mercy are the antidotes to national tragedy and these have to be established by Christians, but how do we spread the truth to effect change when we do not speak it? “My great panacea for making society at once better and more enjoyable would be to cultivate greater sincerity.” -Frances Power Cobbe. Evil thrives not only by the acts of the wicked, but also by the silence of good men.
By selflessness: Corruption is a major problem in our society today; it has its roots in selfishness. People steal public funds to enrich themselves thereby depriving other people. Romans 12:10 affirms that each man should prefer another to himself. Daniel in selflessness prayed for his Nation, put in a good word for his friends before the king. God was upset with Israel, He vowed to destroy them and make Moses a great Nation, but Moses declined God’s offer & interceded for Israel, he even offered to be blotted out of God’s book if need be, for Israel to be redeemed. Ex.32:10-14/31-32. What selflessness and patriotism! Israel may have been destroyed forever if Moses did not make such a timely intervention. The decay we suffer now is due to selfishness, where one man embezzles funds meant for refurbishment of roads, hospitals, etc. Then people lose their lives because the roads are not refurbished and hospitals are not built! If we leave our personal problems to solve for the majority, God will take care of us! Each believer must act like the change depends on him alone, hence give his best.
Social and spiritual outreach: According to Matt. 5:16 our light must shine, as Christians we should bring relief to individuals suffering around us. The Catholic Church for instance gained much ground in Nigeria by serving the people. They built schools and provided free education and healthcare hereby impacting society and transforming the Nation to the best of their capacity. As a result, many embraced Christianity. Every committed Christian should have a strong sense of community responsibility.  Nicholas Winton said “Don’t be content in your life just to do no wrong. Be prepared every day to try to do some good.” Kindness will change more people than zeal and spiritual fervour isolated. “Love is an expression of power. We can use it to transform our world.” -Ericka Huggins
       God often looks at a Nation as one entity. Separation of the church and the state wasn’t God’s idea. The King in bible times was the political ruler of the nation, while the prophet/priest was the spiritual leader, Luke 23:13. Both had definite roles, in fact the prophet was more revered by the people, the king was also subject to him as we see in the stories of Nathan and David, Saul and Samuel. Jesus solved practical problems in his society, community leaders went to him for help; Luke 7:2-10.  Same as Elisha; the community approached him for a solution to the problem of bad water, 2nd Ki.2:19-22. The church and believers should also do more of corporate social responsibility. Jesus fed the multitude not only with spiritual food, but with physical food as well. 
The more righteous people a Nation has, the better for it. Recall that the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah would have been averted if God had found just a small amount of righteous people in these cities. Therefore we must support the gospel with our resources and preach it ourselves with words and lifestyle to increase the number of righteous ones, and transform our Nation. The Apostles of Jesus preached the gospel and were said to have turned the world upside down; Acts 17:6. Now, that is transformation! We must instil moral and spiritual values in our society with the power of the gospel. Prayers in our children’s school assemblies must not be treated with levity. Some western nations tried to ban prayers in public schools and instances of the students killing each other went on the rise. Christian ministries hold a myriad of spirit based programmes while the nation is on fire. We need to embark on sensitisation and reorientation of fellow believers on values, by teaching social change and effective/efficient governance.
In conclusion, if believers do not rise to save their country when tragedy looms, the effects will be disastrous. Our children may grow as slaves and destitutes in their own land after it has been ravaged by war and extreme chaos, inspired by corruption and injustice. Another risk is that help may come from elsewhere if we refuse to act; just as Mordecai said to Esther and if that happens, we can be sure we will lose (or diminish in) relevance on the national level. This reminds me of the Armenian Church Built in 1892, dedicated to St. Mary, the complex has turned into a mosque after staying empty for years following the departure of the Armenian congregation. Posterity will not forgive us if we refuse to act. Play your part today.  
 Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage. Dwight D. Eisenhower


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