The triangle!

No matter how we see it, the truth is that there isn't much justice in the world. I'm sure that looking at this image above, you already know where you belong in the scheme of things!
There are a number of issues we may deduce from the image, but for today, please observe that political, aristocratic and spiritual leaders are at the top of the ladder, and money is at the very top. Also observe that the number of people on each level seems to reduce as we ascend. Recall that Pareto's principle tells us that 80% of the world's resources are in the hands of 20% of the world's population and vice versa. I believe that this ratio is somewhere around 90/10 in Nigeria. Let me also say at this point that contrary to what we have on the image, some religious leaders(not all) take advantage of the people. I believe without reservation that a handful of special men and women have been called of God and they remain true and faithful to their calling. For others,its just a profit making venture.

Anyway, political and religious leaders wield an amazing degree of power and influence on the people, including yours sincerely! The political leaders have failed us, so let's leave them out for now(maybe we will take a look at them at another time). The proliferation of places of worship and the zeal/fervour with which faithfuls throng into these places is more than sufficient to illustrate this fact. Most individuals respect and will readily obey their Pastors and Imams more than their parents. The problem now is that it appears that the extent of evil in the land seems to increase with the number of places of worship! A friend of mine recently said the even devil is surprised at the kind of evil that men do these days. So the question is that what are the spiritual leaders teaching their followers? Our brewries declare huge sums of money as annual profits, and our two main religions forbid the intake of alcohol! That is just an illustration, there are deeper problems such as corruption, moral decadence e.t.c. which we must overcome. Religion should be a way of life, not just the word of mouth. The essence of this piece is that most religious leaders have not used their influence postively for national transformation. However they need to remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Our spiritual heads, please teach the people basic values and the truth at all times since they will always listen to you! Sadly, the love of money is one of the reasons why truth is scarce in the places of worship.

To conclude, its sad to see that the ordinary man, the faceless one who does not have a voice is and always be at the bottom of the ladder, many suffer and some die because they have found themselves here and they have no where else to go. They are the ones who are left with the ill equipped hospitals, the ones who can't fly in planes, who can't afford jeeps and must ply the bad roads, whose kids can't go to the best schools. The ones who die unsung. There are no changes, that is the way it is!


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